This is...

Going to be bringing this blog to a close.

Really think it's about time.

It's done me proud through the final year of uni and year of rubbishy jobs, Taught me bits and bobs about Html, been a good little place to put things. But as I am soon to be moving house, and starting up a new job, I feel like I'm still hanging around in a part of life which has now passed, and I could do with a fresh start.

Maybe create a couple of blogs and focus them towards certain disciplines I really want to practice in my spare time.... who knows.

I do like documenting things I've made, so I'm sure I will start again somewhere else ont web. I will post up a link to wherever I roam to in the future.

So to all 17 of my followers..... I bid thee farewell.

I am thinking....

Got a new Job

In Edinbrugh! Stoked!

Developing an idea.

Stuck on a Puzzle

... As the one I caught when I saw your fingers dimming the lights...

Feel a right geek.

Super just geeked out over type. Watching the start of independence day it pans over a copy the plaque left on the moon in 1969. BUT IT'S WRONG! it has Helvetica as the typeface used when it should be Futura! OUTRAGEOUS!
Beast action film though,try not let this ruin it for you.

The best song in the world .... Again!

I've posted it before... and I'm sure I will again ...It just is brilliant... this version is amazing. got me so stoked!


You never know, you might feel liberated.


Just Messing around... Should really get on with some real work. Now!

Tame Impala

Weekend listening

Went to see the national tonight... so good.

I wish that I believed in fate
I wish I didn't sleep so late
I used to be carried in the arms of cheerleaders


Watching a film with people who ask questions about the film you are watching is totally gruelling... I could just tell you the whole film if you'd like.

Some Stuff

I've had sketched for a little while and wanted to do something with.

Just finking.

Had an awesome night last night with my old friend Suz. Don't get to see him too much unfortunately, but when we get a talking we always hit upon very interesting topics and chew over them for a bit. Just had this phrase in my head from last night. (Although I like a good discussion, I'm not huge on posting my opinions on very complex topics on the tinternet, as I am undoubtedly under-sourced and over-opinionated on them, So I will just leave it at this.)

Also Listen to:

Down on Loving - The Soft pack
If My Heart Could Tell the Story - Edwin Starr
Half a Person - Smiths

and have a good sunday : )

Late Spring Clean

Bit of a late spring clean! Went hunting for all the duplicate files on my computer and deleted them. And transferred all my old projects and larger files onto my external harddrive. Feels nice! And now I have 40 more gb to fill up with pictures of shiny springs!


I've slightly changed the layout of my blog... marvel at the new lines breaking up my posts! Be amazed at the now borderless images! Get down to the fact I don't have a navigation bar at the top anymore! NOW look at these pictures I found saved on my desktop for some reason!

Poster for Concrete

Knocked this up tonight as a break from my other stuff. Prob not the same colours as the final one. I want to finish everything im working on up soon and get ready for me portfolio and to apply for more jobs!

Also I love the arctic monkeys new album, and I watched submarine the other night and then again yesterday and again tonight... It is good.

Oh my god!

I've just realised I'm going to have to listen to Cher Lloyds new song on repeat on the radio at work for the next few weeks!


Pretty Awesome

Looks a bit fake, but cool anyway!


should have gone to bed at 12 like i planned. long days work on the morrow.


absolute teesh. I was there... I'm in this video somewhere. Thats how close i was!

Pray... for .... Mojo

So, we meet in Hawick.

Morrissey last night was brilliant.
I love his songs.
I got a cool t shirt of him with a cat on his head.


I Want The One I Can't Have
First Of The Gang To Die
You Have Killed Me
Shoplifters Of The World Unite
Everyday Is Like Sunday
There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
Alma Matters
One Day Goodbye Will Be Farewell
People Are The Same Everywhere
Satellite of Love
Action Is My Middle Name
I Know It's Over
I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris
Ouija Board, Ouija Board
Meat Is Murder
Irish Blood, English Heart

This Charming Man

Here's a link to a spotify playlist of most of these tunes. Not the new ones, but will update soon.

I'm bored

"If you're so funny
then why are you on your own tonight?
and if you're so clever
then why are you on your own tonight?
if you're so very entertaining
then why are you on your own tonight?
if you're so very good looking
why do you sleep alone tonight?
I know because tonight is just like any other night
that's why you're on your own tonight
with your triumphs and your charms
while they are in each other's arms"

But I'm going to see Morrissey on tuesday! Going to be awesome.


Full 15 hours of work tomorrow with under 5 hours sleep and a cold. Can't wait!

Some old photos

I found these in a drawer in my dads study.
I'm pretty sure I'm posing this one.

Toy houses

I used to collect Cacti... I had 6.


oh my.

some songs for this hangover.

not a big hangover. ive stopped drinking as much. its better.

Tom Penny Bs 360 kickflip.

Found this pic on my computer from the flip demo a while ago.
Now I dont think he landed this one but the one he did land was as boned as this caught at about 270 and penny-magic-feeted round 360. Its possibly the best trick ive seen... live definitely. HOW SICK IS THIS!?

love designing logos.

One for a street dance video / training website, and one for a Saskatchewan housing authority. I liked doing the housing one. had to try and incorporate quite a few elements, dont know if ive got the tone right exactly but was a bit of fun and can put them in portfolio..

I should really stop, im not winning owt and im sorta wasting time now haha. its just so much fun.

And another.

Thought why not, quite good fun....

Entered a logo design contest for fun.

For a company called scales plus who supply measuring devices to jewelers and the medical industry. Tried to keep it simple and classy.
Hopefully it will stand up to the rest. nine days to go to find out.

Cherry Cola!

... I sing this every time I pour myself a glass

the sky is very dramatic tonight.

happy people

I kind of think about life and the universe this way. Maybe.

Emerica - Design a tee 12

3rd time ive entered. Probably will just keep entering, bit of fun. Other entries here and here

back of cards?

arse piece..

a different idea

Done a bit of development now, this is coming along to a style that suits... i think.


My good friend Marnie, needs a business card made, so I had a go at a quick logotype for her.

(Which incidentally makes her think of an Italian restaurant ... Back to the drawing board.)