Some old photos

I found these in a drawer in my dads study.
I'm pretty sure I'm posing this one.

Toy houses

I used to collect Cacti... I had 6.


oh my.

some songs for this hangover.

not a big hangover. ive stopped drinking as much. its better.

Tom Penny Bs 360 kickflip.

Found this pic on my computer from the flip demo a while ago.
Now I dont think he landed this one but the one he did land was as boned as this caught at about 270 and penny-magic-feeted round 360. Its possibly the best trick ive seen... live definitely. HOW SICK IS THIS!?

love designing logos.

One for a street dance video / training website, and one for a Saskatchewan housing authority. I liked doing the housing one. had to try and incorporate quite a few elements, dont know if ive got the tone right exactly but was a bit of fun and can put them in portfolio..

I should really stop, im not winning owt and im sorta wasting time now haha. its just so much fun.

And another.

Thought why not, quite good fun....

Entered a logo design contest for fun.

For a company called scales plus who supply measuring devices to jewelers and the medical industry. Tried to keep it simple and classy.
Hopefully it will stand up to the rest. nine days to go to find out.

Cherry Cola!

... I sing this every time I pour myself a glass

the sky is very dramatic tonight.

happy people

I kind of think about life and the universe this way. Maybe.

Emerica - Design a tee 12

3rd time ive entered. Probably will just keep entering, bit of fun. Other entries here and here

back of cards?

arse piece..

a different idea

Done a bit of development now, this is coming along to a style that suits... i think.


My good friend Marnie, needs a business card made, so I had a go at a quick logotype for her.

(Which incidentally makes her think of an Italian restaurant ... Back to the drawing board.)


Think I am anyway, wanted to get this one done pretty quickly... I rather like this... I like really rough looking collages though.

Some initial stuff

need to sort the type.

I've Bin Laden.

Crowds gathered outside the White House in Washington DC, chanting "USA, USA" after the news emerged.